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Line/Service Judging Session
Category:Technical Officials Training

Free practice session to give experience working with and as official judges who any umpire may encounter while working a tournament. We will rotate through the positions so that participants will practice each task.  Specific to service judging, we will discuss the parameters and focus on certain elements of the service until participants are familiar with all elements.  For a full description of the various development pathways for Technical Officials, visit Officials Pathway


DATE:  Friday, September 15, 2023

TIME:  7:00pm – 9:00pm

LOCATION:  Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club, 1630 W 15th Ave, Vancouver, BC

FEE (for Paid Current BBC Officials Members):  $0 (FREE), includes venue (classroom & courts), Instructor(s), and course materials

FEE (for Unrenewed or Non-Members):  Pre-Paid, $15 per attendee, includes BBC Officials Membership (value = $15), venue (classroom & courts), Instructor(s), and course materials

PAYMENT: Send e-transfer to accounting@badmintonbc.com (including a note explaining the purpose of the transfer); alternatively, a paypal link can be sent to registered participants prior to event

INSTRUCTOR:  Liz-Anne Eyford

CONTACT: technicalprograms@badmintonbc.com

NOTES:  Venue has an active facilities available for purchasing food.