Development Pathway Guides for Officials

“Pathway Status” Categories:
- In-Training = the TO has completed at least one of the qualification components/courses in the pathway
- TrainED = the TO has completed ALL the requirements in the pathway, except an Evaluation
- Certified = the TO has completed all requirements and passed an evaluation for the pathway
Pathway Regulatory Organizations
- Badminton World Federation (BWF)
- Badminton Canada (BCAN)
- Badminton BC (BBC)
Technical Official Pathways
*Badminton BC are not responsible for delivering National Umpire or Natinoal Referee programs but can support those who are interested in pursuing this higher designation and certification.
Pathway: Local Umpire
- Pre-requisite: None
- Entry level officiating; Match umpiring; Develop skills and confidence with practical experience
- Refer to Badminton BC Guide for pathway Certification, Local Umpire (CLICK HERE)
Pathway: Regional Umpire
- Pre-requisite: Local Umpire
- Experienced officiating; Match umpiring; Develop skills and confidence with practical experience
- Refer to Badminton BC Guide for pathway Certification, Regional Umpire (CLICK HERE)
Pathway: Provincial Umpire
- Pre-requisite: Regional Umpire
- Refer to Badminton BC Guide for pathway Certification, Provincial Umpire (CLICK HERE)
Pathway: Provincial Referee
- Pre-requisite: Provincial Umpire
- Refer to Badminton BC Guide for pathway Certification, Provincial Referee (CLICK HERE)