NCCP Pathway Evaluations

When a Coach reaches "TrainED" status within a particular pathway, they can request an Evaluation to reach "Certified" status.


Step-by-Step Guide to NCCP Pathway Evaluation:

  1. Coach:  Prepare required documentation for your evaluation in advance.  This documentation should be submitted to BBC with your evaluation request email.
    • * Producing the PP & EAP are subjects covered in the NCCP course “Planning a Practice”


      Competition Introduction Regional
      1. A Practice Plan (PP)*
      2. An Emergency Action Plan (EAP*
    • Competition Introduction Provincial
      1. THREE Practice Plans (PP)*
      2. An Emergency Action Plan (EAP)*
      3. A 1-Year Training Program
      4. Evidence of Managing a Program
  1. Coach:  Request Evaluation by emailing BBC (
    • Attach documents referenced above in step 1 to your email
    • BBC will connect Coach with a qualified evaluator to coordinate an evaluation
  1. Coach: Submit your evaluation fee payment (pre-paid)(etransfer to
    • Shuttletime: $150 (subsequent re-evaluations, if needed, are charged at $100 per evaluation)
    • Regional:  $250 (subsequent re-evaluations, if needed, are charged at $100 per evaluation)
    • Provincial: $350 (subsequent re-evaluations, if needed, are charged at $150 per evaluation)
  1. Coach:  Be observed by evaluator during delivery of coaching
    • Demonstrate the submitted Practice Plan (PP) by coordinating a time when the evaluator can come watch the coach deliver the PP
      1. Remote Coach Option:  Send a recorded video of you delivering the PP (youTube, Dropbox, OneDrive, Memory Stick)(this option is only available to coaches who reside in remote areas where mobilizing an evaluator would be too costly)
  1. Evaluator:  Conduct evaluation based on Coach submissions and Evaluator observation of Coach delivering their Practice Plan, then provide feedback and provide a pass and/or supplementary development work required.
  1. Coach & Evaluator:  Complete a Debrief
  1. BBC will create the Locker event for BCAN to approve
  1. Status upon Completion = CERTIFIED


Course Type


Pre-Paid Fee

Re-Evaluation Fee


  • BCAN Shuttletime Evaluation Form



CompIntro Regional

  • A Practice Plan (PP)
  • An Emergency Action Plan (EAP)



CompIntro Provincial

  • THREE Practice Plans (PP)
  • An Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
  • A 1-Year Training Program
  • Evidence of Managing a Program

